Friday, November 10, 2023

Be My Guest

 During most of my visits to India, I am a guest in someone's home. My Indian family doesn't like to acknowledge us as 'guests', but we are. We rarely stay in a hotel as it is considered rude and unnecessary here to not stay with someone when you visit the area they live in. As an American, I am always under the impression that it is inconvenient to stay at someone's home, but in general I find that people are very happy to have us.

The logistics involved can be somewhat unpredictable, which is generally what gives me a bit of anxiety.  Not that I don't enjoy the time spent visiting and getting reacquainted, because I do, but being the creature of habit that I am, I find it difficult to feel comfortable outside of my normal environment.

The living style is very different in India. Although both of my sisters-in-laws have very nice homes with many modern conveniences, I still find that adapting can pose a lot of challenges. We are typically given the primary bedroom to take over while we are here. On this visit, Shivali and I have been staying together as she has felt a bit of homesickness and does best when she is by my side.  Now that she is grown, I have a person to commiserate with who understands 100% how much I struggle when I'm here, which in some ways is nice, but also sad for her to have to struggle through the same adaptions. 

One of the hardest behaviors for me is people here typically wake up and sit around in their bedclothes for hours and hours, which I am neither comfortable with nor accustomed to. Then there is the dreaded and never-ending food preparation. It's the timing, the frequency, as well as the type.  I don't mind a bit of Indian-type food once a day, but the same texture and flavors multiple times a day just isn't something I am interested in.  These days I have changed my eating style to focus more on healthy options and fresh fruit and vegetables.  This is confusing and alarming to people here because they see these things more as snacks than meals.  I've learned to just do my own thing, no matter what the concern or looks I get.  It's the only thing that keeps me happy and sane during my stay.

I woke up this morning not exactly sure where I was or what time or day it was, but the good news is I don't feel overly jet-lagged or sick in any way.  So, I got dressed and made up as normal, ate my apples, drank ice water, and worked on my computer among several people in their pajamas eating fried and spicy things and drinking room-temperature water.  I'm happy. They're happy.  For today, the world is in alignment.

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