Friday, April 22, 2016

What Losing It Looks Like - Day 3

India has a cruel way or reminding you periodically that you are not at home and causing an all-out shutdown. For me, this happened earlier today after spending the morning on rituals in the hot sun and the frustration of spending several days not understanding what is going on or what anyone is talking about. 

As much as I try and blend in, there are simply some instances where I just cannot conform. I literally cannot find the ability within myself to just make do with whatever food is served, or whatever odd ritual request they have asked of me, or get by with yet another lonely period of time goes by when Roy is off doing some wedding preparation and I am here alone trying to be normal.

I was sitting on the floor, sweating in the back bedroom for this latest meltdown as Roy was attempting to catch me up on whatever wedding activities are coming up next. I felt it come on suddenly, not being any one specific thing it was just a cocktail of being constantly hot and sweaty/jet lag/and general frustration with being totally at the mercy of my environment.

Roy took me along to meet with the groom's brother and have lunch. By some act of God, the restaurant had continental food which meant cheesy pasta with a Caesar salad. It helped for awhile but upon returning home I was feeling totally jet lagged and the house is for sure upwards of 90 degrees. I laid down and slept for some time only to wake up after 10pm in a sweat. Vali was out playing with the relatives in the living room and shortly I learned nobody had eaten dinner.  Everyone is always very concerned if we have eaten or not, but I am still at a loss why anyone would want to eat this late at night. 

Just as another breakdown was approaching, I dug around in Vali's bag for any remnants of the snacks I sent with her and came up with this- jackpot! 

I learned around 11 dinner was ready- get this, potato curry (and the dreaded gobi) and fried bread. I can't make this up people..... 

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