Saturday, February 2, 2013

India- just how I left it

It's only been 6 months, but it feels like forever since we've been here. India isn't very good at change, and in some respects this is good, but when you see the same ripped up streets and half finished apartment buildings it's apparent that the pace here is very different from the systematic, progressive changes in roads and buildings everyday back home.

In case anyone plans to visit Bangalore, January and February are the time to come. There is the most delightful breeze constantly blowing a warm 70 something degree air. Mornings are brisk, but very comfortable for us. Roy's Dad is shocked Jordan would even consider wearing shorts and keeps trying to put on Shivali's shoes to keep her off the apparent 'frigid' marble floors (which of course my little polar bear will have no part of).  Most people on the street are in winter hats and jackets so I guess outside of the obvious we stick out just a little in short sleeves and flip flops.

So, Bangalore- what can I say. Deemed a Metropolis, and still king of the BPO's, but to me I see still just an overcrowded jungle of confusion. Sure the malls are springing up and to people who have only seen small mom and pop shops they would seem amazing, and impressive nonetheless it is common to see shoeless people and bored people looking for somewhere to just sit.  We went to one of the big malls last night to get Kaila and Jordan some wedding clothes and had a good time looking around and getting some snacks. After arriving early morning and sleeping most of he day, Jordan was afraid we missed all the crowds and traffic he has heard so much about. Little did he know that 7 pm is rush hour and either he was shocked or in disbelief, I am still not sure which.  We got what we needed and got home just in time for a quick wedding discussion (T minus 4) and off to bed. Our combination Melatonin/sleeping pills/ vitamin C/probiotic are working great so far! I probably feel the best I ever had on any trip here.

So apparently a few relatives have dropped out and won't be attending the wedding, which still leaves 20 some in this tiny 2 bedroom apartment. Nobody seems too phased so I am going to try and go with the flow, but God only knows how this will work.  Apparently only 2 of them speak English so I am practicing my best smile and if all else fails I will haul out the Bengali book and start asking people where is the toilet or if they would like me to accompany them on the drums. It's a good plan B.

As I stand on the porch in the late afternoon sun, I realize I might have lied to you- things do change in Bangalore. This empty lot across from us used to be filled with weeds and garbage and now it is just moments away from becoming an apartment building.

And see this apartment building going up down the street- This was merely a shell just 6 short months ago.

Oh ya, and this person was freezing just 2 short days ago and now is basking in the 80 degree sun! LOL

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