Today is the day before the wedding, so I knew it was crazy but being the forever optimist I am, I never believe it will be quite as bad as people say. I have barely seen Roy in days- all he does is run around doing wedding things. To save money, and fulfill our obligation to provide all food for the duration of the groom's family's stay we are transporting the food being cooked on the roof to the house on the other side of town where the groom's family is staying. (we being Roy) In between that 3 times a day he goes out for misc vegetable items, water, fruit, milk, and a 2 page list I watched him put together this morning with the priest who will performing the wedding tomorrow.
Everyone was up early this morning and I thankfully decided to shower early, and luckily just in time as the bulk of the relatives arrived. I haven't done a final count, but there is at least 23 people staying and sleeping here. So, after their long train journey everyone of course wanted to shower which caused quite a situation in competing for 2 bathrooms. Its funny because somehow the chaos has a method and each aunt knows her place and digs in to help including dishes, cleaning, making tea, getting things for others- its actually pretty amazing to watch.
My Father in Law has 8 brothers and sisters, and most of them are here with their spouse and a few have kids here, like this sweet little guy who is obsessed with our ipad: (and the dog)
The noise level has increased a lot in the last day, and most of which i do not understand which is something like background music that you don't know the words to. Occasionally I hear my name and I try and tune into what might being said or asked, but its tough. Almost nobody knows any English, so I mostly converse through translation. The aunt's are all very warm and welcoming and in true Bengali tradition all greeted me with gifts and money as this is standard practice when meeting a daughter in law for the first time. I received a necklace, gold bangle, sheets/pillows, and a pendant for the gold chain i received from Roy's mom and dad earlier. I also received 2 pairs of earrings for Shivali even though she has yet to have her ear's pierced. All beautiful and 22 K gold. I also have a ton of Rs. 500 notes ($10) which I have yet to count, but is probably somewhere around $100.
In spite of not being able to speak to anyone, they are all very warm, welcoming, and accepting. I feel very fortunate.
Here are some pics from today's pre-wedding ceremony- something like giving the bride away. All the elder relatives gave their blessings and fed Debika special foods while she was dressed up in her best.

Roy is off again doing wedding errands so thankfully there hasn't been too much power interuption and i can get caught up on here and my other usual internet activities. Tomorrow is the wedding! Not sure what to expect, but i think it will be pretty fun so there will be lots to report for sure.
Everyone was up early this morning and I thankfully decided to shower early, and luckily just in time as the bulk of the relatives arrived. I haven't done a final count, but there is at least 23 people staying and sleeping here. So, after their long train journey everyone of course wanted to shower which caused quite a situation in competing for 2 bathrooms. Its funny because somehow the chaos has a method and each aunt knows her place and digs in to help including dishes, cleaning, making tea, getting things for others- its actually pretty amazing to watch.
My Father in Law has 8 brothers and sisters, and most of them are here with their spouse and a few have kids here, like this sweet little guy who is obsessed with our ipad: (and the dog)
The noise level has increased a lot in the last day, and most of which i do not understand which is something like background music that you don't know the words to. Occasionally I hear my name and I try and tune into what might being said or asked, but its tough. Almost nobody knows any English, so I mostly converse through translation. The aunt's are all very warm and welcoming and in true Bengali tradition all greeted me with gifts and money as this is standard practice when meeting a daughter in law for the first time. I received a necklace, gold bangle, sheets/pillows, and a pendant for the gold chain i received from Roy's mom and dad earlier. I also received 2 pairs of earrings for Shivali even though she has yet to have her ear's pierced. All beautiful and 22 K gold. I also have a ton of Rs. 500 notes ($10) which I have yet to count, but is probably somewhere around $100.
In spite of not being able to speak to anyone, they are all very warm, welcoming, and accepting. I feel very fortunate.
Here are some pics from today's pre-wedding ceremony- something like giving the bride away. All the elder relatives gave their blessings and fed Debika special foods while she was dressed up in her best.
Roy is off again doing wedding errands so thankfully there hasn't been too much power interuption and i can get caught up on here and my other usual internet activities. Tomorrow is the wedding! Not sure what to expect, but i think it will be pretty fun so there will be lots to report for sure.
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